Christoph Clauser
Geophysics and Geothermal Energy
E.ON Energy
Research Center, RWTH Aachen University
Mathieustr. 6,
E.ON ERC Gebäude
52074 Aachen
recent international involvement
1995-2003: Vice-Secretary and Secretary of the "International Heat Flow Commission" of IASPEI;
2003-2011: Vice-Chairman and Chairman of the "International Heat Flow Commission" of IASPEI;
My main interests are (1) Geothermal energy and crustal geothermics; (2) paleoclimate - potential contributions by the geothermal method; (3) simulation of flow and reactive transport in porous and fractured formations; (4) hydrogeophysics - information on the subsurface transport and storage properties obtained from surface and borehole geophysics; (5) Geophysical log interpretation. Current projects are:
Selected Publications (in chronological and alphabetical order)
contributions to peer-reviewed periodicals
Naderi Beni, A., Kühn, M., Meyer, R., Clauser, C., 2009. Reservoir simulation for selection of CO2 storage site in North Rhine Westphalia (Germany), in: M. Hu (ed), Underground Storage of CO2 and Natural Gas, Proceedings of a Sino-German Workshop, Goslar, Germany, 17-20 September 2007, Balkema, Rotterdam, in press download (2.4 MB)
Class, H., Ebigbo, A., Helmig, R., Dahle, H., Nordbotten, J. M., Celia, M. A., Audigane, P., Darcis, M., Ennis-King, J., Fan, Y., Flemisch, B., Gasda, S., Jin, M., Krug, S., Labregere, D., Naderi Beni, A., Pawar, R. J., Sbai, A., Thomas, S. G., Trenty, L., 2009. A benchmark-study on problems related to CO2 storage in geologic formations: Summary and discussion of the results. Computational Geosciences, in press. download (1.7 MB)
Clauser, C., 2009. Heat Transport Processes in the Earth’s Crust. Surveys in Geophysics, DOI: 10.1007/s10712-009-9058-2. preprint: download (0.8 MB) - the original publication is available at
Pape, H., Clauser, C., 2009. Improved Interpretation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance T1 and T2 Distributions for Permeabil-ity Prediction - Simulation of Diffusion Coupling for a Fractal Cluster of Pores, Pure Appl. Geophysics, 166(5/7), 2009. download (0.3 MB)
Pape, H., Arnold, J., Pechnig, R., Clauser, C., Talnishnikh, E., Anferova, S, Blümich, B., 2009. Permeability prediction for low porosity rocks by mobile NMR, Pure Appl. Geophysics, 166(5/7), 2009. download (1.9 MB)
Zein, S., Rath, V., Clauser, C., 2009. Estimation of a Stochastic Discontinuous Permeability Using a Multidimensional Markov Chain. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering,submitted. preprint: download (0.5 MB)
Anferova, S., Anferov, V., Arnold, J., Talnishnikh, E., Voda, M. A., Kupferschläger, K., Blümler, P., Clauser, C., Blümich, B., 2007. Improved Halbach Sensor for NMR Scanning of Drill Cores, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 25, 474–480. download (0.4 MB)
Linek, M., Jungmann, M., Berlage, T, Pechnig, R, Clauser, C., 2007. Rock classification based on resistivity patterns in elec-trical borehole wall images, J. Geophysics and Engineering, 4(2), 171-183, doi: 10.1088/1742-2132/4/2/006. download (1.2 MB)
Arnold, J., Clauser, C., Pechnig, R., Anferova, S., Anferov, V., Blümich, B., 2006. Porosity and Permeability from Mobile NMR Core-Scanning, Petrophysics, 47(4), 306–314. download (0.9 MB)
Kühn, M., Clauser, C., 2006. Mineralische Bindung von CO2 bei der Speicherung im Untergrund in geothermischen Reservoiren, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 78(4), 425-434.
Vosteen, H.-D., Rath , V., Clauser, C., Lammerer, B., 2006. A review of the thermal regime of the Eastern Alps in respect of the effect of paleoclimate and exhumation, In: H. Gebrande, A. Castellarin, E. Lüschen, F. Neubauer and R. Nicolich (eds), TRANSALP - A Transect Through a Young Collisional Orogen, Tectonophysics, 414, 157–167, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2005.10.022. download (0.6 MB)
Hartmann, A., Rath, V., Clauser, C., 2005. Thermal Conductivity from Core and Well Log Data, Int. J. Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 42, 1042-1055, doi:10.1016/j.ijrmms.2005.05.015. download (0.8 MB)
Mottaghy, D, Schellschmidt, R., Popov, Y. A., Clauser, C., Kukkonen, I. T. Nover, G, Milanovsky, S., Romushkevich, R. A., 2005. New heat flow data from the immediate vicinity of the Kola superdeep borehole: Vertical variation in heat flow confirmed and attributed to advection, Tectonophysics, 401(1-2), 119-142. download (3.8 MB)
Pape, H., Clauser, C., Iffland, J., Krug, R., Wagner, R., 2005. Anhydrite Cementation and Compaction in Geothermal Reservoirs: Interaction of Pore-Space Structure with Flow, Transport, P-T-conditions, and Chemical Reactions, Int. J. Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 42, 1056-1069, doi:10.1016/j.ijrmms.2005.05.007. download (1.3 MB)
Wagner, R., Clauser, C., 2005. Estimating both thermal conductivity and thermal capacity from thermal response tests, J. Geophysics and Engineering, 2(4), 349-356, doi:10.10881742-2132/2/S08. download (0.5 MB)
Wagner, R. , Kühn, M., Meyn, V., Pape, H., Vath, U., Clauser, C., 2005. Numerical Simulation of Pore Space Clogging in Geothermal Reservoirs by Precipitation of Anhydrite, Int. J. Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 42, 1070-1081, doi:10.1016/j.ijrmms.2005.05.008. download (0.8 MB)
Zschocke, A., Rath, V., Grissemann, C., Clauser, C., 2005. Quantifying deep fluid flow in inclined reservoirs from correlated anomalies in heat flow logs, J. Geophysics and Engineering, 2(4), 332-342, doi:10.10881742-2132/2/S06. download (0.9 MB)
Anferova, S., Anferov, V., Rata, D. G., Blümich, B., Arnold, J., Clauser, C., Blümler, P., Raich, H., 2004. A mobile NMR device for measurements of porosity and pore size distributions of drilled core samples, Concepts in Magnetic Resonance B (Magnetic Resonance Engineering), 23B(1), 26-32, doi 10.1002/cmr.b.20020. download (0.2 MB)
Blümich, B., Anferova, S., Pechnig, R.,Pape, H., Arnold, J., Clauser, C., 2004. Mobile NMR for Porosity Analysis of Drill Core Sections, J. Geophys. Eng., 1, 177–180. download (0.2 MB)
Vosteen, H.-D., Rath , V., Schmidt-Mumm, Clauser, C., 2004. The thermal regime of the Northeastern-German Basin from 2-D inversion, Tectonophysics, 386(1-12), 81-95, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2005.05.004. download (1.1 MB)
Vosteen, H.-D., Rath , V., Clauser, C., Lammerer, B., 2003. The thermal regime of the Eastern Alps from inversion analyses along the TRANSALP profile, Phys. Chem. Earth, 28(9-11), 393-405. download (1.4 MB)
Bartels J, Kühn M, Schneider, W., Clauser C., Pape H, Meyn, V., Lajczak, I., 2002. Core flooding laboratory experiment validates numerical simulation of induced permeability change in reservoir sandstone. Geophys. Res. Lett., 29(9), doi: 10.1029/2002GL014901. download (1.0 MB)
Clauser, C., Griesshaber, E., Neugebauer, H. J., 2002. Decoupled Thermal and Mantle Helium anomalies – Implications for the Transport Regime in Continental Rift Zones, J. Geophys. Res. 107(B 11), 2269, doi:10.1029/2001JB000675. download (1.2 MB)
Pape, H., Clauser, C., Iffland, J., 2000. Variation of permeability with porosity in sandstone diagenesis interpreted with a fractal pore space model, Pure Appl. Geophysics, 157, 603-619. download (0.8 MB)
Kosakowski, G., Kunert, V., Clauser, C., Franke, W., Neugebauer, H. J., 1999. Hydrothermal transients in Variscan crust: paleo-temperature mapping and hydrothermal models, In: C. Clauser, L. Rybach, T. Lewis, (eds), Thermal regimes in the continental and oceanic Lithosphere, selected papers of the symposium “Heat flow, seismic structure and seismicity in active tectonic regimes” and the workshop “Thermal regimes in the continental and oceanic lithosphere” held during the 29th General Assembly of IASPEI, August 18–28, 1997, Thessaloniki, Tectonophysics, 306(3-4), 325-344.
Pape, H., Clauser, C., Iffland, J., 1999. Permeability prediction for reservoir sandstones based on fractal pore space geometry, Geophysics, 64(5), 1447-1460. download (7.1 MB)
Kolditz, O., Clauser, C., 1998. Numerical Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer in Fractured Crystalline Rocks: Application to the Hot Dry Rock Site in Rosemanowes (UK), Geothermics, 27(1), 1-23.
Lehmann, H., Wang, K., Clauser, C., 1998. Parameter identification and uncertainty analysis for heat transfer at the KTB drill site using a 2-D inverse method, Tectonophysics, 291, 179-194.
Clauser, C., 1997. Geothermal energy use in Germany - status and potential, Geothermics, 26(2), 203-220.
Clauser, C., Giese, P., Huenges, E., Kohl, T., Lehmann, H., Rybach, L., Šafanda, J., Wilhelm, H., Windloff, K., Zoth, G., 1997. The thermal regime of the crystalline continental crust: Implications from the KTB, J. Geophys. Res., 102(B8), 18417-18441.
Schellschmidt, R., Clauser, C:, 1996. The thermal regime of the Upper Rhine graben and the anomaly of Soultz, Z. Angew. Geol., 42(1), 40-44.
Clauser, C., Mareschal, J.-C., 1995. Ground Temperature History in Central Europe from Borehole Temperature Data, Geophys. J. Int., 121(3), 805-817.
Kukkonen, I. T., Clauser, C., 1994. Simulation of Heat Transfer at the Kola Deep-Hole Site - Implications for Advection, Heat Refraction and Palaeoclimatic Effects. Geophys. J. Int., 116(2), 409-420.
Jobmann, M., Clauser, C., 1994. Heat Advection Versus Conduction at the KTB: Possible Reasons for Vertical Variations in Heat Flow Density, Geophys. J. Int., 119(1), 44-68.
Clauser, C., Huenges, E., 1993. KTB Thermal Regime and Heat Transport Mechanisms - Current Knowledge. Scientific Drilling, 3, 271-281.
Clauser, C., 1992. Permeability of Crystalline Rocks, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 73(21), 233, 237.
Clauser, C., Villinger, H., 1990. Analysis of Conductive and Convective Heat Transfer in a Sedimentary Basin, Demonstrated for the Rheingraben, Geophys. J. Int., 100(3), 393‑414.
Clauser, C., Kiesner, S., 1987. A Conservative, Unconditionally Stable, Second-Order Three‑Point Differencing Scheme for the Diffusion‑Convection Equation, Geophys. J. R. Astr. Soc., 91, 557‑568.
Clauser, C., 1984. A Climatic Correction on Temperature Gradients Using Surface Temperature Series of Various Periods, In: V. Čermák, L. Rybach, D. S. Chapman (eds), Terrestrial Heat Flow and the Structure of the Lithosphere. Tectonophysics, 103, 33‑46.
contributions to peer-reviewed monographs
Clauser, C., 2006. Geothermal Energy, In: K. Heinloth (ed), Landolt-Börnstein, Group VIII "Advanced Materials and Technologies", Vol. 3 "Energy Technologies", Subvol. C "Renewable Energies", Springer Verlag, Heidelberg-Berlin, 480-595. preprint: download (3.4 MB)
Bartels, J., Clauser, C., Kühn, M., Pape, H., Schneider, W., 2005. Reactive Flow and Permeability Prediction – Numerical Simulation of Complex Hydrothermal Problems, In: P. K. Harvey, T. S. Brewer, P. A. Pézard, V. Petrov (eds), The Petrophysics of Crystalline Rocks, Special Publication, Vol. 240, pp. 133-151, Geol. Soc., London.
Kühn, M., Bartels, J., Pape, H., Schneider, W., Clauser, C., 2002. Modeling Brine Rock Interaction in Geothermal Reservoirs, In: I. Stober and K. Bucher (eds), Water Rock Interaction, pp. 147-169, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. download (0.2 MB)
Clauser, C., Huenges, E., 1995. Thermal Conductivity of Rocks and Minerals. In: T. J. Ahrens (ed), Rock Physics and Phase Relations - a Handbook of Physical Constants, AGU Reference Shelf, Vol. 3, pp. 105-126, American Geophysical Union, Washington. download (2.0 MB)
Clauser, C., 1992. Scale Effects of Permeability and Thermal Methods as Constraints for Regional-Scale Averages, In: M. Quintard, M. Todorovic (eds), Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 446-454.
Clauser, C., 1989. Conductive and Convective Heat Flow Components in the Rheingraben and Implications for the Deep Permeability Distribution, In: A. E. Beck, G. Garven, L. Stegena (eds), Hydrogeological Regimes and Their Subsurface Thermal Effects, AGU Monograph 47, American Geophysical Union, Washington, pp. 59‑64.
Clauser, C., 1988b. Opacity ‑ the Concept of Radiative Thermal Conductivity. In: R. Hänel, L. Rybach L. Stegena (eds), Handbook of Terrestrial Heat Flow Density Determination, pp. 143‑165, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
authored monographs and contributions to monographs
Bartels, J., Kühn, M., Clauser, C., 2003. Numerical Simulation of Reactive Flow using SHEMAT, In: C. Clauser, (ed), Numerical Simulation of Reactive Flow in hot Aquifers using SHEMAT/Processing Shemat, pp. 5-74, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg-Berlin.
Bartels, J., Kühn, M., Clauser, C., Meyn, V., 2003. Modeling Flooding of a Sandstone Core with Reactive Transport and Subsequent Changes in Porosity and Permeability, In: C. Clauser, (ed), Numerical Simulation of Reactive Flow in hot Aquifers using SHEMAT/Processing Shemat, pp. 243-252, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg-Berlin.
Clauser, C. (ed), 2003. Numerical Simulation of Reactive Flow in hot Aquifers using SHEMAT/Processing Shemat. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg-Berlin. (info)
Clauser, C., Bartels, J., 2003. Introduction, In: C. Clauser, (ed), Numerical Simulation of Reactive Flow in hot Aquifers using SHEMAT/Processing Shemat, pp. 1-4, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg-Berlin.
Clauser, C., 1999. Thermal Signatures of Heat Transfer processes in the Earth’s Crust, Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, Vol. 85, ISBN 3-540-65604-9, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg-Berlin. (info)
Clauser, C., Rybach, L., Lewis, T. (eds), 1999. Thermal regimes in the continental and oceanic Lithosphere, selected papers of the symposium “Heat flow, seismic structure and seismicity in active tectonic regimes” and the workshop “Thermal regimes in the continental and oceanic lithosphere” held during the 29th General Assembly of IASPEI, August 18–28, 1997, Thessaloniki, Tectonophysics, 306(3-4), 212 pp.
Clauser, C., 1995. Wärmetransportprozesse in der Erdkruste und ihre Signaturen im Temperaturfeld, Habilitationsschrift zur Erlangung der Venia legendi für das Fach Geophysik, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn.
Clauser, C., 1988a. Untersuchungen zur Trennung der konduktiven und konvektiven Anteile im Wärmetransport in einem Sedimentbecken am Beispiel des Oberrheintalgrabens, Diss., TU Berlin, Fortschritt‑Berichte VDI, Reihe 19, Nr. 28, VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, 134 pp.
contributions to peer-reviewed proceedings
Bartels, J., Kühn, M., Pape, H., Clauser, C., 2000. A new Aquifer Simulation Tool for Coupled Flow, Heat Transport, Multi-Species Transport, and Geochemical Water-Rock Interaction, In: E. Iglesias, D. Blackwell, T. Hunt, J. Lund, and S. Tamanyu (eds), Proc. World Geothermal Conference 2000, Kyushu-Tohoku, Japan, pp. 3997-4002, CD-ROM (ISBN 0-473-06811-7), International Geothermal Association, Auckland New Zealand.
Pape, H., Bartels, J., Kühn, M., Clauser, C., 2000. Long-Term Performance of Heat Mining in Hot Aquifers: Water-Rock Interaction and Permeability Changes, In: E. Iglesias, D. Blackwell, T. Hunt, J. Lund, and S. Tamanyu (eds), Proc. World Geothermal Conference 2000, Kyushu-Tohoku, Japan, pp. 2779-2784, CD-ROM (ISBN 0-473-06811-7), International Geothermal Association, Auckland New Zealand.
Pribnow, D., Clauser, C. 2000. Heat and fluid flow at the Soultz hot dry rock system in the Rhein graben, In: E. Iglesias, D. Blackwell, T. Hunt, J. Lund, and S. Tamanyu (eds), Proc. World Geothermal Conference 2000, Kyushu-Tohoku, Japan, pp. 3835-3840, CD-ROM (ISBN 0-473-06811-7), International Geothermal Association, Auckland New Zealand.
Schellschmidt, R., Clauser, C., Sanner, B., 2000. Geothermal Energy Use in Germany at the Turn of the Millennium, In: E. Iglesias, D. Blackwell, T. Hunt, J. Lund, and S. Tamanyu (eds), Proc. World Geothermal Conference 2000, Kyushu-Tohoku, Japan, pp. 427-432, CD-ROM (ISBN 0-473-06811-7), International Geothermal Association, Auckland New Zealand. download (0.8 MB)
Kühn, M., Schneider, W., Bartels, J., Pape, H., Clauser, C., 1999. Numerical simulation of chemically induced permeability changes during heat mining in hot aquifers, In: S. F. Simmons, O. E. Morgan, and M. G. Dunstall (eds), Proceedings 21st New Zealand Geothermal Workshop 1999, pp. 223-228, 10.–12. 11. 1999, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.
Hurter, S., Huenges, E., Clauser, C., Hänel, R., 1995. Atlas of Geothermal Resources in Europe, In: E. Barbier, G. Frye, E. Iglesias G. Pálmason (eds), Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress, 1995, May 18-31, Firenze, Vol. 1, pp. 611-612, International Geothermal Association, Auckland.
Kolditz, O., Clauser, C., Schellschmidt, R., Schulz, R., 1995. Modelling Flow and Heat Transfer in Fractured Rocks: Application on Heat Extraction From Hot Dry Rocks, In: E. Barbier, G. Frye, E. Iglesias G. Pálmason (eds), Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress, 1995, May 18-31, Firenze, Vol. 3, pp. 2575-2580, International Geothermal Association, Auckland.
Behrens, J., Villinger, H., Clauser, C., 1985. Determination of Terrestrial Heat Flow in Shallow Drill Holes of the Northern Upper Rhine Valley, In: A. S. Strub P. Ungemach (eds), European Geothermal Update, Reidel, Dordrecht, pp. 95‑101.
contributions to unreviewed periodicals
Green, A. G., Maurer, H., Slob, E., Wapenaar Kees, Clauser, C., Littke, R., 2007. Joint MSc programme in applied geophys-ics: a new concept in geophysics education, First Break, 4, 81-84. download (2.8 MB)
Clauser, C., Heitfeld, M., Rosner, P., Sahl, H., Schetelig, K., 2005. Nutzung von Erdwärme in aufgelassenen Bergwerken am Beispiel des Aachener Steinkohlenreviers, Beratende Ingenieure, 6/2005, 14-17. download (5.3 MB)
Clauser, C., Kleiner, S., Mathews, T., Wagner, R., 2003. Numerische Simulation von Erdwärmesonden - Kenntnis der Gesteinseigenschaften hilft Kosten optimieren, Brennstoff, Wärme, Kraft (BWK), 55(9), 29-30. download (0.7 MB)
Clauser, C., 2004. Das FKPE bezieht Stellung zur Situation der Geophysik an deutschen Hochschulen, Mitteilungen der Deutschen geophysikalischen Gesellschaft(DGG), 4/2004, 39-40.
Clauser, C., 2004. Bericht aus der GeoUnion Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung, Mitteilungen der Deutschen geophysikalischen Gesellschaft(DGG), 4/2004, 41-43.
Clauser, C., 1998a. Erdwärmenutzung in Deutschland, Geothermische Energie, 6(1), 1-6.
Clauser, C., 1998b. Geothermische Verfahren zur geophysikalischen und geologischen Erkundung, In: S. Greinwald (ed), DGG-Kolloquium „Angewandte Geothermie“, Göttingen, 1. April, 1998, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG), Sonderband I/1998, 15-22.
Clauser, C., 1997. Erdwärmenutzung in Deutschland, Geowissenschaften, 15(7), 118-224.
Clauser, C., 1992. Temperatur und Wärmetransport an der KTB - derzeitiger Wissensstand, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 1-2, 36-46.
Clauser, C., Neugebauer, H. J., 1991. Thermisch relevante Tiefenwasserzirkulation in der Oberkruste unter dem Oberrheingraben? Eingrenzungen mit Hilfe hydrothermischer Modellrechnungen, Geol. Jb., E 48, 185-217, Hannover.
other contributions and research reports
Rath, V., Clauser, 2004. Erkennen und Quantifizieren von Strömung: Eine geothermische Rasteranalyse zur Klassifizierung des tiefen Untergrundes in Deutschland hinsichtlich seiner Eignung zur Endlagerung radioaktiver Stoffe - Fortsetzung, Endbericht zum Auftrag 9X0009-8497-2 des Bundesamtes für Strahlenschutz (BfS), Geophysica Beratungsgesellschaft mbH, Stolberg, 209 pp.
Clauser, C. (ed), 2003.
Numerical Simulation of Reactive Flow in hot Aquifers using
SHEMAT/Processing Shemat. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg-Berlin
Clauser, C., Kleiner, S.,
Mathews, T., Wagner, R., 2003. Numerische Simulation von Erdwärmesonden
- Kenntnis der Gesteinseigenschaften hilft Kosten optimieren,
Brennstoff, Wärme, Kraft (BWK), 55(9), 29-30.
(full .pdf download)
(0.7 MB)
Vosteen, H.-D., Rath, V.,
Clauser, C., Lammerer, B., 2003. The thermal regime of the Eastern Alps
from inversion analyses along the TRANSALP profile, Phys. Chem. Earth,
(full .pdf download)
(1.4 MB)
Bartels J, Kühn M,
Schneider, W., Clauser C., Pape H, Meyn, V., Lajczak, 2002. Core
flooding laboratory experiment validates numerical simulation of induced
permeability change in reservoir sandstone. Geophys. Res Lett,.29(9),
DOI 10.1029/2002GL014901
(full .ps download)
(1.0 MB)
Clauser, C., Griesshaber, E., & Neugebauer, H. J., 2002. Decoupled Thermal and Mantle Helium anomalies - Implications for the Transport Regime in Continental Rift Zones, J. Geophys. Res. (B), 107(B11), 2269, DOI:10.1029/2001JB000675.
(full .pdf download) (1.2 MB)
Kühn, M., Bartels,
J., Pape, H., Schneider, W., & Clauser, C., 2002. Modeling Brine Rock
Interaction in Geothermal Reservoirs, In: I. Stober and K. Bucher,
Water Rock Interaction, pp. 147-169, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
(full .pdf download)
(0.2 MB)
Kühn, M., Bartels, J.,
Pape, H. and Clauser, C., 2000. A new Simulation Tool for Coupled Flow,
Heat Transfer, Multi-Species Transport and Chemical Water-Rock
Interaction, In: E. Iglesias, D. Blackwell, T. Hunt, J. Lund, and S.
Tamanyu (eds),
Proc. World Geothermal Conference 2000, Kyushu-Tohoku, Japan,
pp. 3997-4002, CD-ROM (ISBN 0-473-06811-7), International Geothermal
Association, Auckland New Zealand.
(full .pdf download)
(0.5 MB)
Schellschmidt, R., Clauser,
C., and Sanner, B., 2000. Geothermal Energy Use in Germany at the Turn
of the Millennium, In: E. Iglesias, D. Blackwell, T. Hunt, J. Lund, and
S. Tamanyu (eds), Proc. World Geothermal Conference 2000,
Kyushu-Tohoku, Japan, pp. 427-432, CD-ROM (ISBN 0-473-06811-7),
International Geothermal Association, Auckland New Zealand.
(full .pdf download) (0.8 MB)
Pape, H., Clauser, C., and Iffland, J., 2000. Permeability-porosity relationship in sandstone based on fractal pore space geometry, Pure Appl. Geophysics, 157, 603-619.
Pape, H., Clauser, C., &
Iffland, J., 1999. Permeability prediction for reservoir sandstones
based on fractal pore space geometry, Geophysics, 64(5),
(full .pdf download)
(10.9 MB)
Clauser, C., 1999.
Thermal Signatures of Heat Transfer processes in the Earth's Crust,
Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, Vol. 85, ISBN 3-540-65604-9, Springer
Verlag, Heidelberg-Berlin.
Kosakowski, G., Kunert, V., Clauser, C., Franke, W., & Neugebauer, H. J., 1999. Hydrothermal transients in Variscan crust: paleo-temperature mapping and hydrothermal models, in C. Clauser, L. Rybach, & T. Lewis, (eds), Thermal regimes in the continental and oceanic Lithosphere, selected papers of the symposium "Heat flow, seismic structure and seismicity in active tectonic regimes" and the workshop "Thermal regimes in the continental and oceanic lithosphere" held during the 29th General Assembly of IASPEI, August 18-28, 1997, Thessaloniki, Tectonophysics, 306(3-4), 325-344.
Lehmann, H., Wang, K., & Clauser, C., 1998. Parameter identification and uncertainty analysis for heat transfer at the KTB drill site using a 2-D inverse method, accepted for publication, Tectonophysics, 291, 179-194.
Kolditz, O., & Clauser, C., 1998. Numerical Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer in Fractured Crystalline Rocks: Application to the Hot Dry Rock Site in Rosemanowes (UK), Geothermics, 27(1), 1-23.
Clauser, C., Giese, P., Huenges, E., Kohl, T., Lehmann, H., Rybach, L., Safanda, J., Wilhelm, H., Windloff, K., & Zoth, G., 1997. The thermal regime of the crystalline continental crust: Implications from the KTB, J. Geophys. Res, 102(B8), 18417-18441.
Clauser, C., 1997a. Geothermal energy use in Germany - status and potential, Geothermics, 26(2), 203-220.
Clauser, C., 1997b. Erdwärmenutzung in Deutschland, Geowissenschaften, 15(7), 118-224.
Schellschmidt, R., & Clauser, C:, 1996. The thermal regime of the Upper Rhine graben and the anomaly of Soultz, Z. Angew. Geol., 42(1), 40-44.
Clauser, C., & Mareschal, J.-C., 1995. Ground Temperature History in Central Europe from Borehole Temperature Data, Geophys. J. Int., 121(3), 805-817.
Clauser, C., & Huenges,
E., 1995. Thermal Conductivity of Rocks and Minerals. In: T. J. Ahrens
(ed.), Rock Physics and Phase Relations - a Handbook of Physical Constants,
AGU Reference Shelf, Vol. 3, pp. 105-126, American Geophysical Union,
(full .pdf download)
Jobmann, M., & Clauser, C., 1994. Heat Advection Versus Conduction at the KTB: Possible Reasons for Vertical Variations in Heat Flow Density. Geophys. J. Int., 119(1): 44-68.
Kukkonen, I. T., & Clauser, C., 1994. Simulation of Heat Transfer at the Kola Deep-Hole Site - Implications for Advection, Heat Refraction and Palaeoclimatic Effects. Geophys. J. Int., 116(2): 409-420.
Clauser, C., 1992. Permeability of Crystalline Rocks. EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 73(21): 233, 237.
Clauser, C. & Villinger, H., 1990. Analysis of Conductive and Convective Heat Transfer in a Sedimentary Basin, Demonstrated for the Rheingraben. Geophys. J. Int., 100(3): 393-414.
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